Salon78: Gay Lib Comes Out 1972
On 19 January 1972, Sydney Gay Liberation came out as an independent group at the Sex Lib Forum at Sydney University. Speakers at that forum included Germaine Greer, Liz Fell, Gillian Leahy and Dennis Altman. Dennis’ ground-breaking work, Homosexual Oppression and Liberation, had been published in 1971 in the USA and was about to have its Australian release.
At the forum, Dennis announced that Gay Liberation, which had started in July 1971 within CAMP Inc., was setting up as a separate group. Gay Liberation soon set up in other states and on many campuses.
While CAMP Inc. focused on lobbying and education, Gay Liberation tended to be more activist, fun and confrontational. Gay Lib organised zaps, street theatre, ‘spraynting’ of slogans, demonstrations and hug ins – when showing same sex affection in public could get you arrested.
However, there was a big overlap of activists with a number involved in both CAMP and Gay Lib and some events were joint actions. Gay Lib organised the 1 July 1972 demonstration outside ABC Sydney Headquarters against the cancellation of a TV program on homosexuality and the gay liberation movement in Australia. But some CAMP Inc. people attended. The 12 November 1972 demonstration at St Clements, Mosman after the sacking of Peter Bonsall-Boone, was jointly organised by both groups.
The heyday of Sydney Gay Liberation was from 1972 to 1973. The group led efforts to hold the first ‘nationally’ organised Gay Pride Week from 9-15 September 1973 in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Brisbane. Events included zaps, hug-ins, a poetry reading, demonstrations and a wreath-laying at the Cenotaph, Martin Place to honour homosexuals murdered in Nazi Concentration Camps.
First Mardi Gras Inc. is hosting this online Salon78 Forum to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Sydney Gay Liberation. Hear from activists Dennis Altman, Katy O’Rourke, Penny Gulliver and John Witte. Other participants in the heady events of 1972-3 will contribute during the Q&A part of the forum.
Come along and hear about this history of sometimes outrageous LGBTIQ+ activism – on Zoom – Saturday 19 February at 4pm.
Register at
Reunion 42
T’was the night before Mardi Gras, when all through the house all the 78ers were gathering…. for Reunion 42! Happy Mardi Gras everyone 🏳️🌈
Photos from Anne Morphett, Helen Gollan & William Brougham.
A very happy Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras from the Mardi Gras 78ers. #sydneymardigras #sydneygayandlesbianmardigras #whatmatters
Thanks to William Brougham for the video. Check out his YouTube channel for more great videos.
Fair Day 2020
Thanks to Steve McLaren for capturing these great images of the 78ers at Fair Day 2020.
Video: A Lavender Menace? Australia's Early Lesbian History.
About 70 women and a number of men enjoyed the forum. Dr Sophie Robinson, Dr Sue Wills and Robyn Plaister spoke on the pivotal role of lesbians in early lesbian and gay movements.
Also marked was the 50th anniversary of the formation of the Australasian Lesbian Movement.
Many fine contributions were made during the Q&A. The forum – hosted jointly by First Mardi Gras Inc. and Pride History Group – was the first in a series: 50 Fabulous Years of Liberation.
A panel and audience discussion titled 'A Lavender Menace? Australia's Early Lesbian History'. The event was hosted by First Mardi Gras Inc and Sydney's Pride History Group on Saturday February 15, 2020.
Thanks to William Brougham for the video. Check out his YouTube channel for more videos.
Public TALK: Lavender Menace? Australia's Early Lesbian Movement - Feb 15, 2020
A Lavender Menace? Australia's Early Lesbian Movement
You are invited to join Pride History Group and First Mardi Gras Inc., a community organisation for 78ers, for a public forum discussing Australia's early Lesbian movement.
This event is the first in a series planned for 2020 to celebrate 50 Fabulous Years of Liberation.
WHEN: 2 - 4pm, Saturday 15 February 2020
WHERE: Benledi House, 194 Glebe Point Road, Glebe (next to the library on the corner of Wigram Road)
RSVP: or via this Facebook event page
Given the dominant patriarchal approach to history, it’s unsurprising that the role women played in the early lesbian and gay movement is often given minor consideration to that of men.
Yet lesbians played a pivotal role, despite being faced with misogyny and sexism, even from some homosexual men. The place of lesbians within the Women’s Liberation Movement was also initially contested by some of their sisters. Against these odds, gains in the areas of the status of women, lesbian mothers and opposition to the harmful practices of psychiatry were many.
To explore these issues and mark the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Australasian Lesbian Movement, the Pride History Group and First Mardi Gras Inc. a community organisation for 78ers, are holding a joint forum – A Lavender Menace? Australia’s Early Lesbian Movement.
Speakers will include lesbians who were pioneers members of CAMP and other early lesbian and gay groups.
End of Year Social Lunch - Saturday December 7, 2019
Join us for an end of year social lunch on Saturday December 7, 2019 at 12 midday at the Terminus Hotel in Pyrmont (61 Harris St, Pyrmont). RSVP to Rebbell Barnes via email
There is a light rail stop at John Street Square, just across the road (steps / lift access) that goes to Central Station (inbound), or to the inner west suburb of Dulwich Hill (outbound). A regular bus service (389) runs from Pyrmont along Harris St to King St in the CBD before heading through Paddington to Bondi Junction and North Bondi. The bus stop is located on the corner of John and Harris St on the opposite side of the road to The Terminus Hotel.
Terminus Hotel @ 61 Harris St, Pyrmont
Newcastle Pride Festival
Hay Mardi Gras - March 30 2019
The 78ers were honoured to march in the Hay Mardi Gras right behind the Indigenous Elders who led the parade. There was a great turnout of around 200 colourful parade participants, both marching and on floats, and much fun was had by all. We look forward to attending again next year.
Photo supplied by Diane Minnis.
Wagga Wagga Mardi Gras - March 9 2019
A contingent of 78ers traveled to Wagga Wagga to attend the inaugural Wagga Wagga Mardi Gras in March, an event that aims to raise the visibility of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex communities in the Riverina.
It was great to see a big roll-up for the event and we enjoyed mixing with locals and other visitors supporting the region after the Parade. Look out for us at the end of the month as we head to the Hay Mardi Gras, part of the Rainbow on the Plains Festival 29-31 March!

Photos from:
Mardi Gras Shorts
The '78ers are the valiant group people who gathered at Taylor Square on a Saturday in June 1978 to march down Oxford street at a time when homosexuality was still a criminal act. As you'll see, more than four decades later they've lost none of their fearless spirit!
Happy Mardi Gras!
The 78ers had a great time in the Mardi Gras Parade on Saturday March 2nd, 2019!
Thanks to Robert French for the first photo below, and William Brougham for all the other photos below.

Pre-Mardi Gras with staff at BBC Studios
BBC Studios Australia & New Zealand hosted 78er Kate Rowe who talked with staff about queer history and the relevance of Mardi Gras in context of the world today.
Mother Inferior Sings
Many thanks to William Brougham for the video of Mother Inferior’s song. Mother Inferior’s songsheet is provided below so those at home can sing along.
Photos from Reunion 41
Thanks to Rebbell Barnes and William Brougham for the photos taken at Reunion 41
Fair Day 2019: Meet the 78ers
Sydney turned on the sunshine for Fair Day 2019 (Sunday Feb 17) and the 78ers spent the day meeting and talking with friends - both new and old.

Mardi Gras 78er Kate Rowe addresses the 2019 Fair Day in Sydney's Victoria Park as part of the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras celebrations and commemorations.
Thanks to William Brougham for the video and some of the photos. Other photos by Steve Mclaren, Rebbell Barnes, Sandra Gobbo.
Photos & Video from Rainbow Immigration and Refugee forum
Good roll up and enthusiastic response to our wonderful speakers at yesterday’s forum Salon78: Rainbow Immigration and Refugees.
Thanks to speakers Betty Hounslow, Ken Davis, Mitchell Skipsey and Tina Dixson and chair Garry Wotherspoon. And thanks to attendees including those from the Asylum Seekers Centre, Amnesty International, Teachers for Refugees and the STARTTS Program.
The event was recorded and is available to view in full on YouTube by clicking here, or is included below. Thanks to William Brougham for the video.
The Gay and Lesbian Immigration Task Force, in which some 78ers were key movers in the 1980s, assisted overseas partners of LGBTIQ Australians to migrate here. Speakers include Betty Hounslow, Ken Davis, Mitchell Skipsey and Tina Dixson. Today, our community is outraged by the plight of LGBTIQ refugees and people seeking asylum.
(Video by William Brougham)
78ers Reunion 41
Reunion 41 will be held at the Colombian Hotel again on Wednesday 27th February, 5.00pm-8.00pm, with a special blessing by Mother Inferior. All 78ers and partners or guests are welcome to attend.
In 2018, First Mardi Gras held a special pre-Mardi Gras Parade 40th Anniversary event for 78ers and guests. This get together, Reunion 41, is on again this year. All 78ers and partners or guests are welcome to attend.
If you are joining us for Reunion 41, please RSVP to for catering purposes.
If you require lift access, please email us with an approximate time of arrival.
The 78ers Parade T-shirt will be available to pick up at Reunion 41. Otherwise, it will be available at the 78ers Parade assembly area.
We are looking forward to seeing you soon!
Salon78: Rainbow Immigration and Refugees
The Gay and Lesbian Immigration Task Force, in which some 78ers were key movers in the 1980s, assists overseas partners of LGBTIQ Australians to migrate here.
Today, 78ers are outraged by the plight of LGBTIQ refugees and asylum seekers.
Come along on Sunday February 10, 2019 to Salon78 presents Rainbow Immigration and Refugees and hear about services and campaigns to support these vulnerable members of our community.
Free event.
Video of Salon78 - Out and Loud, the Gay Liberation Quire
Salon 78 presents Out and Loud - The Gay Liberation Quire (1981 - 1987) at the Beresford in Sydney. The event took place on the 9th of December 2018 and was organised by First Mardi Gras Inc. This video presents an afternoon of performance and reminiscence with members of the original Gay Liberation Quire.
The Gay Liberation Quire (1981-87) reformed for one afternoon in December 2018 and performed a number of songs including 'Thank You Lord For Gay Liberation'. The event was hosted by First Mardi Gras Inc and took place at the Beresford in Sydney. #GayLiberationQuire #BeresfordSundays #FirstMardiGrasInc
Thanks to William Brougham for both these videos of the event.