First Mardi Gras Inc. Newsletter March 2019
Wagga Wagga Mardi Gras - 8-9 March
Karl Zlotkowski, Helen Gollan, and her partner Virginia Mansel Lees from First Mardi Gras Inc. travelled to Wagga Wagga to march in the first Mardi Gras ever held there.
78ers Steve Warren, Ian Sutherland and Ian's partner joined us to march with the Fearless banner provided by Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. |
Our group chanted all through the Parade and Out of the Bars and into the Streets got a roar of approval as we marched past the Union Hotel. Helen Gollan was later interviewed by WIN TV.
It was great to see a big roll-up for the first Wagga Wagga Mardi Gras and we enjoyed mixing with locals and other visitors after the Parade.
Social Dinner - Tuesday 26 March
The first of our Social Dinners will be held next Tuesday March 26 at the Royal Hotel, 370 Abercrombie St Darlington. The Royal has $10 steaks and plenty of other menu items.To join us, contact Rebbell Barnes on
L-R: Sandra Gobbo, Bill Ashton, Rebbell Barnes. Photo: Gary Case.
Hay Mardi Gras - 29-31 March
A few of us are also heading to Hay Mardi Gras, with the Fearless banner. The Street Parade is from 1pm on Saturday 30 March.
If you would like to join our 78ers contingent, let Diane Minnis know
Next First Mardi Gras Inc. General Meeting - Saturday 25 May, 2-4pm at East Sydney Arts and Community Centre, corner Burton and Palmer Streets Darlinghurst. |
L-R: Betty Hounslow, Ken Davis, Mitchell Skipsey, Tina Dixson and MC Garry Wotherspoon.
Salon78: Rainbow Immigration and Refugees Forum - 10 February
Speakers at our forum discussed lessons from past campaigns and how we can help LGBTIQ people with an Asylum Seeker or Refugee background.
- Betty Hounslow - the genesis of recognition of gay/lesbian relationships in our immigration laws in the 1980s-90s
- Ken Davis - a global overview on the factors affecting LGBTIQ Refugees overseas
- Mitchell Skipsey - questions LGBTIQ people with an Asylum Seeker or Refugee background are asked and their rights under the law
- Tina Dixson - factors impacting LGBTIQ people with an Asylum Seeker or Refugee background in Australia.
The event was recorded and available to view by clicking here, thanks to William Brougham. Photo: Diane Minnis.
Trivia Night - 20 FebruaryThe Trivia Night, back by popular demand, was hosted this year by the fabulous Bonnie Bocamp and Alisar Gazal. Teams had a lot of fun and competed for prizes including a Young Henry's brewery tour. We again had generous raffle prize donations from the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra, Sydney Symphony Orchestra, Australian Museum, Dendy Cinema and Art Gallery of NSW.
Photo: Diane Minnis.
Reunion 41 - 27 February
This event bought together 78ers, their partners and friends for a pre-Mardi Gras catch-up, raffles and lucky door prizes. Mother Inferior of the Order of Perpetual Indulgence and David Abello serenaded us. A video of Mother Inferior's song was recorded by William Brougham and can be viewed on our website, along with the songsheet by clicking here.
Top Mother Inferior, Lance Day and Kath Burns; lower L-R: Karl Zlotkowski and Helen Gollan; Sue Fletcher, Phoenix Rye and Gay Egg.
L-R: Anne Morphett, Robyn Kennedy and Betty Hounslow; Garry Wotherspoon and Jim Anderson.
Reunion 41 photos by Rebbell Barnes.