35th Anniversary of Homosexual Law Reform in NSW
8 June, 2019 marks the 35th anniversary of the NSW Parliament passing a bill for Homosexual Law Reform. The Community owes a great debt to the men and women from Gay Rights Lobby, Gay Solidarity Group, CAMP's Political Action Committee, and other groups who worked tirelessly from the late 1970's and into the mid 1980's to keep the issue alive and force reform.
Pride History Group is holding a forum to mark the anniversary with speakers including Robert French. 6.30pm, Tuesday 11 June at UTS. Contact secretary@pridehistory.org.au for more information.
(L-R) Robert Johnston, Garry Wotherspoon, Murray McLachlan, Antony Green, Robert French, Barry Charles, Terry Batterham, John Witte (front). Photo: Paul Harris |
4th Tuesday Dinner 28 May 2019
Our next First Mardi Gras social dinner will be at the AB Hotel, 225 Glebe Point Rd, Glebe at 6.30pm on Tuesday 28 May. To join us, contact Rebbell Barnes on rebbellabarnes@gmail.com or just turn up.
Social dinners will be at a different venue on the 4th Tuesday of each month |
The next First Mardi Gras Inc. General Meeting is being held on Saturday 25 May, 2 - 4pm at East Sydney Arts and Community Centre, corner Burton and Palmer Streets Darlinghurst. |
Look out for screening of the restored copy of Digby Duncan’s movie Witches & Faggots, Dykes & Poofters at the Golden Age Cinema (Commonwealth St, Surry Hills) on Sunday June 23rd at 3pm with drinks to follow.
Tickets from https://www.ourgoldenage.com.au/film/witches-and-faggots
Book Launch and Forum - Friday 24 May 6-8pm
The Children of Harvey Milk: How LGBTQ Politicians Changed the World
NSW Parliament House Theatrette, 6 Macquarie Street, Sydney. RSVP through eventbrite here (free event hosted by Twenty10 inc GLCS NSW)
Saturday June 29, 3-6pm Celebrating Stonewall: The struggle then and now
Speakers include April Holcombe, Ken Davis and Elytta Manton (aka "Lilly from Lismore")
Hosted by Community Action Against Homophobia at the University of Sydney - see Facebook event here for more info.
Tribute to Ron Austin
During the Sydney City Council Meeting on May 13th, Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore moved a motion of tribute to Ron Austin and observed a minute of silence to mark his life and his outstanding contribution to LGBTIQ activism in Australia.
The official item from the Council meeting can be opened here, or read here in QNews
On April 30 a ‘tekes’ (Hebrew for 'ceremony') was held at the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Holocaust Memorial in Green Park Darlinghurst. A number of 78ers joined the remembrance of the many LGBTIQ victims of the Nazi regime, as well as the millions who, in the years since, have been forced to hide their sexuality and/or gender identity for fear of persecution.
Did you know 78ers are eligible for Lifetime Membership of Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras with no membership fees? SGLMG opens applications for Lifetime Membership each year around July/August, with the applicatons approved at the SGLMG AGM later in the year. Keep an eye out for the applications to open or email 78ers@mardigrasarts.org.au to find out more details. |
Flu Vax
Influenza is a very contagious infection of the airways. It is especially serious for people more than 65 years old. The influenza vaccine is free under the National Immunisation Program for people aged 65 years and over, and those with at-risk medical conditions.
As the influenza virus strains change every year and the vaccine changes every year to match these strains, it is important for people to get the vaccine every year. By getting vaccinated against influenza, you can also help protect other people, especially those who are too sick or too young to be vaccinated.
Visit the influenza immunisation service page or see your GP for information on receiving the influenza vaccine.