In this June edition of the First Mardi Gras Inc. Newsletter, we have:
- Congratulations: Honours for 78ers Dr Alison Todd, Will Sergeant, Wanda Kluke
- Diane Minnis on 45th Anniversary Drinks at Kinselas – 3pm, Sunday 25 June
- David Abello, Diane Minnis and Karl Zlotkowski on Launch of Voices from 1978 – 6pm, Tuesday 27 June
- Diane Minnis on Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Sapphire Anniversary Celebration – Saturday 24 June
- Ken Davis on Thanksgiving Mass for Fabian LoSchiavo
- Garry Wotherspoon on In Pursuit of the Pink Triangle
- Barry Charles on Brilliant Young Queers – 24-25 June
- Information on Our Queer Futures – 6pm, Thursday 22 June
- Information on Making LGBTIQA+ history – 1pm, Saturday 24 June
- Information on A Gender Agenda Lunch – 1pm, Saturday 24 June, Canberra
- Information on Rainbow History Evening – 6.30pm, Sunday 25 June, Newcastle
- Information on Launch of Death in the Sauna – 6:30pm, Monday 26 June
- Information on Union Pride Mixer – 5:30pm, Thursday 13 July
- Photos from Pride (R)Evolution Exhibition
- Photo from June 78ers Lunch
- How to buy Badges and Books
- Calendar of Events.
The next 78ers Lunch is on at 12pm, Sunday 6 August 2023, Terminus Hotel, Pyrmont, downstairs room, RSVP: (note no lunch in July).
The next First Mardi Gras Inc. General Meeting at 4pm, Saturday 16 September 2023.
Pride Month events are held from 1-31 June 2023 – see Sydney Pride Festival.
Diane Minnis
Dr Alison Todd (left) – Member (AM) In the General Division of the Order of Australia for significant service to medical research and tertiary education, with a portfolio of over 160 granted patents. Photo: Tracey Atkinson.
Will Sergeant (centre) – Medal (OAM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia for services to the South Australia LGBTQIA+ community as an historian, activist, 78er and glamorous Adelaide tour guide. Photo: William Brougham.
Wanda Kluke (right) – Medal (OAM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia for service to the community through social welfare organisations as a volunteer hairdresser to the homeless. Photo: William Brougham. |
Join us for Drinks to celebrate the 45th Anniversary of the first Mardi Gras from 3pm on Sunday 25 June. All 78ers, partners and supporters are welcome and First Mardi Gras Inc. will be providing finger food and Kinselas drinks are reasonably priced. The event is on the ground floor at Kinselas in Taylor Square.
We will have a toast to mark the recent passing of Fabian LoSchiavo, though this is not a memorial event as there will be one in early October. For catering purposes, please RSVP to:
Diane Minnis
78er and First Mardi Gras Inc. Co-Chair
First Mardi Gras Inc. would like to invite you to the formal launch of Voices from 1978 - the first Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras at 6pm on Tuesday 27 June at the State Library of NSW.
To mark the 45th anniversary of 1978, we have published a collection of reminiscences and iconic images that bring those turbulent events to life. If you would like to join us for a short evening of drinks and readings from contributors, please register at:
David Abello, Diane Minnis and Karl Zlotkowski
78ers and First Mardi Gras Inc. Committee Member, Co-Chair and Secretary
The Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras 78ers Committee has received a briefing from the producer of the Mardi Gras Sapphire Anniversary Celebration on Saturday 24 June, taking place at Carriageworks from 6.30-10pm. Drinks, finger food and a cloakroom will be provided.
The event will be a retrospective of the last 45 years – with costumes, artwork, inflatables and moments pulled from the archives combined with performance art, music and ideas. Segments of 78er Digby Duncan’s iconic film Witches, Faggots, Dykes and Poofters will be shown.
78ers Committee members raised the fact that not all 78ers who applied had received tickets and Mardi Gras agreed to invite all 78ers. Below is the link for it that will take you directly to the page to access two tickets. You will still need to fill in your personal details.
Diane Minnis
78er and First Mardi Gras Inc. Co-Chair
Fabian’s bravery, creativity, warm heartedness and sense of humour will be long celebrated. His contributions to queer culture and liberation, and to global social justice, are immense. He has helped create and enliven our communities in Sydney and beyond. His gentle satirical presence and performances have played a vast role in winning queer dignity, acceptance, equality and freedom.
These words were part of my tribute at the Thanksgiving Mass for Fabian on 29 May. There were around 450 people in the church and hall and another 130 watching online. For those who were unable to attend, the recording is at: It's available for a limited time only.
A group of us are planning a musical memorial event for Fabian in early October.
Ken Davis
78er and First Mardi Gras Inc. Co-Chair
Because Fabian LoSchiavo played so many roles for so many people, the family is starting an online book for people to tell us their stories about him; how they met him, what impact he had on their lives, amusing anecdotes, favourite pictures of him with them, and any wisdom or wit that he shared with them.
If you would like to contribute to the book, here are the details about format, size etc. Please help us by trying to follow the guide because we are sure there'll be a lot of stories!
Send your contributions to:
Please make sure your article;
• is in the body of the e-mail, (not a separate attachment),
• no longer than 500 words in single spacing,
• in 12 point, simple text (bold and italic are OK), and
• that your 1 or 2 photo/s are jpeg or png and no bigger than 500 pixels wide.
Please give us captions for your photos, dates (if you have them) and if there are other people in the photos, ask for their permission to include them. The 'book' will be in pdf form so that it's easily accessed and readable, and there may be some changes along the way. It will be professionally laid out and formatted with great reverence.
Thank you, in advance for your contribution,
Crina, Georgia, Checka and Vic |
They say every day can be a learning experience, and one day a few months ago, wandering up Oxford Street, I noticed, on the artwork covering the hoardings on the renovations taking place behind, a panel with a collection of flags, advertised as ‘Flags of Importance”, adding that there were ‘22 Pride flags’. So I paused, and perused.
There were some I knew – the Rainbow Flag, the Aboriginal Flag, the Torres Strait Islander Flag, the Labrys Lesbian Pride Flag, and there were many others, although some I’d never heard of – an Agender Flag, a Polysexual Flag, a Genderfluid Flag, an Abrosexual Flag, even a Demiromantic Flag. Everyone was getting in on the act – a flag for all ‘deviances’! But there was no Pink Triangle.
The inverted Pink Triangle (‘die Rosa-Winkel’) has a hallowed place in queer history; it was the badge that the Nazis forced our forebears to wear in the concentration camps during WWII, but had been ‘reclaimed’ by us as a badge of pride – both a reminder of the past and forever our symbol of defiance and courage.
Co-Chair Ken Davis fired off the first email, to the City Council – “Sydney Council is making me angry about pink triangle flag” – since they had authorised the art. And there followed a flurry of emails (how long is an email string – there were about thirty emails back and forth on this matter). And eventually we got a response – and the Pink Triangle Flag has finally appeared on the artwork. The lesson: one small complaint from FMG, one giant leap forward for truth in history …
Garry Wotherspoon
78er and First Mardi Gras Inc. Member
As part of Pride Month, 107 Projects and Shopfront Arts Co-Op. is creating an event called Brilliant Young Queers, Saturday 24 June from 10:30am to 4pm, Sunday 25 June from 11:30am to 5pm, 107 Projects, 107 Redfern Street, Redfern. FREE, tickets:
As you can tell it's definitely oriented towards LGBTQIA+ youth, 12-25. But some of our 78ers have been invited to be part of some good, ol'fashioned intergeneration conversation! As Felicity Nicol the curator says, “most LGBTQIA+ Australian's are starved for some community history and all-aged interactions".
Other events from 107 Projects ( are:
Community Chats Short presentations & Q&A with community organisations and Queer Seniors, Sock Drawer Heroes, some 78ers & queer elders.
Generation Translation Young people are the experts of today's lingo – come test and teach the oldies how to speak Gen Z Queer.
Culture Swap Live introductions re favourite LGBT+ social media, media etc.
Great to see these things happening in our community!
Barry Charles
78er and First Mardi Gras Inc. Member
The Our Queer Futures panel will consider the future for LGBTQ Australians. Speakers: 78er Betty Hounslow, Equality Australia’s Ghassan Kassisieh, NSW Gender Centre’s Eloise Brook, academic Geraldine Fela. State Library, Thursday 22 June, 6-7:30pm. FREE, register: |
Canberra’s A Gender Agenda serves Trans, Gender Diverse, and Intersex Communities would like to invite Canberra-based 78ers to lunch on the 45th Mardi Gras anniversary!
1-3pm, Saturday 24 June at 8 Piguenit Cl. North Lyneham ACT, RSVP: |
Join us on the 45th Mardi Gras anniversary for an exciting Rainbow History Night at Bernie's Bar. Hunter Rainbow History Group will explore the story of the first Mardi Gras, and experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals who have helped shape the city's cultural landscape. 6.30pm, Sunday 25 June, Bernie's Bar, 410 King St Newcastle. |
Union Pride was awarded the Spirit of 1978 Mardi Gras Community Award for their Mardi Gras float. We would love to have 78ers come to the award ceremony and to mark the historic Pink Bans by the NSW BLF. Fifty years ago, the BLF put down tools at Macquarie University when Jeremy Fisher was removed from his accommodation for being gay. Thursday 13 July, from 5:30PM until late, food, drinks, and speakers. Sydney Trades Hall Atrium, 377 Sussex Street, Sydney. RSVP using this link. |
We had a relaxed meal together at the 78ers Lunch on the first Sunday in June at The Terminus Hotel, Pyrmont. Join us in the downstairs room off the courtyard – next lunch on Sunday 2 July. RSVP: Photo: Rebbell Barnes. |
78er badges and our new Always an Ally badges are $5 each and postage is $3.09 (total $8.09). Postage is still $3.09 for up to five badges. To order badges, email your name, postal address and the number of badges required to Then make your payment by funds transfer. Use your name as the deposit reference. You can also post a cheque to PO Box 1029 Glebe NSW 2037.
Voices from 1978 The first Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, is a 104 page, A5 book. You can get your copy for $15 plus $5 postage from Orders — First Mardi Gras ( or buy it from The Bookshop Darlinghurst for $19.99. The Bookshop also does overseas orders, but best to email for a postage quote. |
Calendar of Events
- Pride Month events are held from 1-31 June 2023 – see Sydney Pride Festival
- City of Sydney Liberate! Exhibition – daily till Sunday 2 July 2023, Customs House
- State Library Pride (R)Evolution Exhibition – daily till Sunday 9 July, 2023
- State Library Our Queer Futures – 6pm, Thursday 22 June 2023, FREE, register: 137117
- Brilliant Young Queers – 24-25 June, FREE, tickets:
- City of Sydney Making LGBTIQA+ history Talk – 1-3pm, Saturday 24 June 2023, Customs House, Circular Quay, FREE book:
- A Gender Agenda Lunch, Canberra – 1pm, Saturday 24 June 2023, RSVP:
- Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Celebrating our Sapphire Anniversary – 6.30pm Saturday 24 June 2023, Carriageworks,
- First Mardi Gras Inc. 78ers 45th Anniversary Drinks – 3pm, Sunday 25 June 2023, Kinselas, FREE RSVP:
- Rainbow History Evening, Newcastle – 6.30pm, Sunday 25 June 2023, Bernie's Bar, 410 King St Newcastle
- Launch of Death in the Sauna – 6:30pm, Monday 26 June 2023, Better Read Than Dead, 265 King St, Newtown. Register:
- First Mardi Gras Inc. Book Launch: Voices from 1978 – 6pm, Tuesday 27 June 2023, State Library, FREE, Booking essential:
- Union Pride Mixer – 5:30pm, Thursday 13 July 2023, RSVP using this link
- First Mardi Gras Inc. 78ers Lunch – 12pm, Sunday 6 August 2023, Terminus Hotel, Pyrmont, downstairs room, RSVP: (note no lunch in July)
- Broken Heel Festival, Broken Hill – 7-11 September 2023 Broken Heel Festival (
- First Mardi Gras Inc. General Meeting – 4pm, Saturday 16 September 2023 by Zoom
- Sapphire Coast Pride, Bega Valley,